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Webinar series: COP26 – Recognizing the role of trade and the private sector in adaptation

For the upcoming COP 26, the UK Presidency has adaptation and resilience as one of five priorities, but what are the expectations and what needs to happen for a successful outcome in Glasgow?
The COVID pandemic has drawn attention to the propensity for risks to cascade across sectors and borders in a globalized world. How does this relate to the challenge of building global climate resilience through the UNFCCC process? How should this influence the key adaptation issues to be discussed in Glasgow?
We live in an interconnected world. The effects of climate change ripple out across national borders. Our adaptation actions can have consequences that cascade from country to country, but many of the flows that connect countries are managed by private companies, whilst multilateral negotiations on climate change are conducted by governments. Adaptation has traditionally been seen as a responsibility of governments, who develop National Adaptation Plans and coordinate adaptation within their territories. However, as climate risks escalate, the role of the private sector in achieving a just transition to a climate-resilient future is increasingly emphasized.
This free seminar gathers researchers from the Mistra Geopolitics research programme to examine these issues. The webinar is moderated by Annett Moehner, Team Lead, Adaptation Committee, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat.
15:00-15.15: Opening remarks
- Magnus Benzie, Research fellow Stockholm Environment Institute and Mistra Geopolitics
- Annett Moehner, Team Lead, Adaptation Committee, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat
15.15-15.30 Research input on the road to Glasgow
Sweden’s exposure to trade-related risks from climate change
- Frida Lager, Research Associate, Stockholm Environment Institute
Private sector engaging in climate adaptation
- Maria-Therese Gustafsson, Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University and Mistra Geopolitics
15.30-15.55 Panel Discussion and Q&A moderated by Annett Moehner, Team Lead, Adaptation Committee, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat
- Magnus Benzie, Research fellow Stockholm Environment Institute and Mistra Geopolitics
- Maria-Therese Gustafsson, Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University and Mistra Geopolitics
- Frida Lager, Research Associate, Stockholm Environment Institute
15.55-16.00 Closing remarks
Closing remarks by Annett Moehner, Team Lead, Adaptation Committee, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat