- Detta kalenderhändelse har redan ägt rum.
Webinar: Impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the planned green transformation in Europe
The webinar is part of the communication activities within the programme. Feel free to pass on the invitation. The webinar is held as a Teams meeting.
Impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the planned green transformation in Europe
Lars Zetterberg, Filip Johnsson and Milan Elkerbout will give an overview of their recent report on the impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the green transition in Sweden and in the EU, focusing on the energy systems, the supply of critical minerals, and policy implications for the Green Deal and Fit-for-55 package. The report can be downloaded here: https://www.ivl.se/download/18.147c3211181202f18d11ca4e/1657867472879/Ukraine%20PolicyBrief_6%20July%202022.pdf
The full report will be revised and completed this autumn.
Questions and discussions
Updates from the programme
You can find documentation from all of our case study meetings here: https://chalmersuniversity.box.com/s/kijurxo1aa6nzg1ghyz3q6n95u2lsllu
On www.mistra.org you can read a recent interview with Lars Zetterberg on this topic: https://mistraorg.fejjan.se/nyhet/rapport-om-hur-rysslands-krig-i-ukraina-paverkar-klimatomstallningen/
Please let us know if you have any questions and/or if you want the meeting link for the webinar. Email to Johan.Rootzen@ivl.se