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Mistra Dialogue webinar: The InsectGapMap project
The InsectGapMap project
– Insect populations and computational tools to identify research funding needs
Insect populations globally are at risk from the combined effects of habitat loss and degradation, invasive species, pollution and pesticide application, as well as climate change. How can insect population declines be mitigated or reversed? And how can conservation actions gain social and political support? In the InsectGapMap project, funded by Mistra, systematic review experts Neal Haddaway and Eliza Grames have applied computational tools and semi-automatic methods to identify research gaps in the field of biodiversity and insect conservation. Welcome to this Mistra Dialogue-webinar in which these novel methods are presented and the report’s insights into the field of biodiversity and insect populations are discussed.
As part of Mistra’s research initiation process, global environmental trends and developments are continuously analysed with a view to finding knowledge gaps where research funding can make a difference. The InsectGapMap project is part of Mistra’s ongoing initiation process in the area of biodiversity and measures to reverse habitat loss.
The webinar, in English, will be held on Zoom.
Sign on here!
Read more about the InsectGapMap project and download the report here.
Neal Haddaway
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
Eliza Grames
PhD Student, University of Connecticut
Expert panel:
Marie Stenseke
Deputy Dean of the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, IPBES MEP co-chair, Work Package leader Mistra Sport & Outdoors.
Magnus Land
Senior Analyst, Formas.
Per Sjögren Gulve
Principal Research Officer, Naturvårdsverket (The Swedish EPA)
Thomas Nilsson
Programmes Director, Mistra.
Linda Bell
Programmes Director, Mistra
linda.bell@mistra.org, +46 70 732 25 91