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EVRACSI Webinar 4

The EVRACSI Webinars Series is an attempt to tackle these urgent issues head-on. This high-profile webinar series brings together some of the most prominent players in the quest of developing policies, regulations and disclosure that can provide value relevant, credible and comparable information on how our companies perform on the different sustainability arenas. Succeeding with this is crucial for accelerating and reorienting capital flows towards more sustainable investments. This is vital for developing an efficient and sustainable finance and business industry.


Gabriel Wikström, The Swedish Government’s national coordinator for the 2030 Agenda

Begoña Giner, Professor of Accounting and Finance at the University of Valencia, Spain, member of EFRAG TEG and IFRS Council

Åsa Moberg, Programmes director at Mistra, board member of Swesif

COMMENT: John Dumay, Professor of Accounting & Finance, Macquarie University, Australia