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Breakfast webinar: A life cycle based chemicals assessment toolbox

A life cycle based assessment toolbox to assess and improve the safety and sustainability of chemicals. That is the focus of this breakfast webinar, which is part of the series arranged by the research programme Mistra SafeChem. Life cycle thinking is key in the programme that has the aim to enable and promote the expansion of a safe, sustainable and green chemical industry.

The toolbox is applicable to life cycle based alternatives assessment (LCAA), chemical footprint and life cycle assessment (LCA). Focus lay on the two ecotoxicity and toxicity impact assessment tools ProScale and USEtox, including both environmentally mediated, consumer- and workplace-related toxicity. The toolbox is used in a variety of case studies performed within the programme.

We especially welcome representatives of the Swedish industry to learn more about the Mistra SafeChem work for greener chemistry and the progress so far.


Safe and sustainable: Towards an operational life-cycle based toolbox
Hanna Holmquist, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

The core tools for chemical footprint: USEtox and ProScale
Tomas Rydberg, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Leveraging digital methods to tackle chemical assessment challenges
Kerstin von Borries, DTU (Technical University of Denmark)

The way forward: Chemical footprint in LCA
Jutta Hildenbrand, RISE