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Bending the global emissions curve: Sweden’s climate policy opportunities and responsibilities

In December 2020, the SNS Economic Policy Council released their interdisciplinary report ‘Swedish Policy for Global Climate’. The influential report focused on finding impactful immediate solutions to reducing carbon emissions, receiving considerable attention in the Swedish public sphere. On May 25, Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) is convening a virtual event to present and discuss research findings from the 2020 SNS Economic Policy Council report. Discussions will examine where and how Swedish climate policy can connect more ambitiously with international goals.

The 2020 Council Chair, Professor John Hassler from the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) will join a distinguished panel of high-level actors from local and international policy, natural science and development economics. The panel will explore pathways for Sweden to step up in conversations on a global minimum carbon tax and halting fossil fuel subsidies. The seminar will also examine innovations in EU climate policy connected to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and what Sweden can contribute to – and learn from – this work.


Anders Ygeman, Swedish Minister for Energy and Digital Development, Social Democrats Party (S)

Jessica Rosencrantz, Member of Swedish Parliament (M), Environment and Climate Policy spokesperson for the Moderates Party

Prof. John Hassler, Deputy Director of the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES)

Dr. Elina Scheja, Lead Economist at Sida

Jytte Guteland, Member of the European Parliament, Social Democrats, Sweden

Prof. Jonas Nycander, Professor of Physical Oceanography at Stockholm University

Johan Kuylenstierna, Chair of the Swedish Climate Policy Council, Adjunct Professor at Stockholm University and Mistra Board member

Moderator: Mia Horn af Rantzien, CEO of the SNS Centre for Business and Policy Studies