- Detta kalenderhändelse har redan ägt rum.
Mistra REES: Bottom-up vs. Top-down Research
09:00-09:05 Welcome and introduction
09:05-09:35 Presentation of research with the bottom-up approach.
Mistra REES by Professor Mattias Lindahl, Linköping University
CIRCit project by Professor Tim McAloone, Technical University of Denmark
09:35-10:05 Presentation of research with the top-down approach.
IVA’s work presented by Caroline Ankarcrona
Circ€uit – the Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network project presented by Professor Arnold Tukker, Leiden University
10:05-10:45 Panel discussion, incl. Q&As
If you want to join this seminar – click this link. The deadline for registration is Tuesday the 8th of March. Once registered, you will get a Zoom link for the seminar.