Mistra Biopath (Pathways towards an efficient alignment of the financial system with the needs of biodiversity) programme and its partners will map, evaluate and co-develop existing and new approaches in which biodiversity is integrated with financial decision-making.
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- Programtid: 2022–2026
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 50 million. Participating organisations are to contribute at least SEK 5 million.
- Programvärd: Lund University
Mistra FinBio (Mistra Biodiversity Finance Programme) programme aims to increase the financial sector’s ability to contribute to a “nature positive” economy. To do this, the programme will develop methods and indicators to identify business models that protect existing biodiversity, as well as business methods to improve it.
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- Programtid: 2022–2026
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 50 million. Participating organisations are to contribute at least SEK 5 million.
- Programvärd: Stockholm University
Call for proposals on a research programme
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Call for proposals on a research programme
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The Fair Transformations to a Fossil Free Future research programme, Fairtrans, will utilise the experience and engagement found in civil society to facilitate and accelerate a fair climate transformation.
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- Programtid: 2021–2025
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing 40 MSEK. Co-financed with Formas within the national research programme on climate.
- Programvärd: Stockholm University
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sweden, jointly with academic research organisations, are invited to submit funding applications. The research projects concerned must designed to help solve environmental problems and foster society’s sustainable development.
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Toward a decarbonized energy system with focus on electrification and sector coupling.
Mistra Electrification’s vision is to speed up a fair and competitive transition to a sustainable and efficient energy system.
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- Programtid: 2021–2025
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 50 million. Participating organisations are to contribute at least SEK 10 million.
- Programvärd: Energiforsk
Call for proposals on a research programme
Call for proposals on a research programme
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Innovative inventions and new research results reduce the impact on the environment
Mistra Innovation’s purpose is to enable SMEs to develop innovative ideas for commercial, environmentally sound products, processes and services.
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- Programtid: 2020-2023
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 46 million
- Programvärd: Mistra
For a Swedish food system that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable
Mistra Food Futures will work out targets for what the Swedish food system needs to achieve by 2045 to be both sustainable — economically, socially and environmentally — and resilient.
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- Programtid: 2020-2024
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing 64MSEK. The other funders are contributing a further 16 MSEK
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU
Call for stage one proposals and announcement of funding.
Call for stage one proposals and announcement of funding.
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Creating a movement for more sustainable sporting and outdoor activities in society.
The objective for Mistra Sport & Outdoors is to create a movement for more sustainable sporting and outdoor activities in society. The programme will establish a network-based centre for research, development and policy support regarding sustainable solutions in sport and outdoor recreation.
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- Programtid: 2020-2024
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 56 million. The other funders are contributing a further SEK 14 MSEK.
- Programvärd: Mid-Sweden University
Reframing communication for sustainability
Mistra Environmental Communication, a four-year research programme, seeks to develop communication in the area of environmental sustainability from often being a matter of one-way communication these days to becoming a real dialogue among various parties, even when they have divergent opinions and interests.
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- Programtid: 2019-2023
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 54 million. The other funders are to contribute at least SEK 6 million.
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Promoting a safe, sustainable and green chemical industry in Sweden
Exposure to chemicals can have a negative impact on humans, animals and nature. The use of potentially toxic chemicals in materials and products also impedes scope for recovery, recycling and reuse, and is an obstacle to circular material flows. Mistra SafeChem’s vision is to reduce exposure to hazardous substances by promoting the expansion of a safe, sustainable and green chemical industry in Sweden.
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- Programtid: 2020–2024
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 70 million. The other funders are to contribute at least SEK 30 million.
- Programvärd: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Funding call for a research programme
Funding call for a research programme
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Focuses on creating functional digitisation that integrates the entire forest value chain, and where the industrial process begins right from the start, in the forest.
Sweden needs a transition to a more circular economy, to meet the challenges of climate change and the limited nature of Earth’s resources. In this transition, forests are key.
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- Programtid: 2018–2022
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 61 million. The other funders are contributing a further SEK 25 million.
- Programvärd: Swedish Forest Industries Federation
Call for proposals and announcement of funding
Call for proposals and announcement of funding
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Call for research proposals
Call for research proposals
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Contributing to a sustainable infrastructure
Swedish infrastructure faces major challenges. Many water and sewer installations, roads and railways are ageing, and in many areas extensive maintenance is needed. Infrastructure in poor condition has significant adverse repercussions on the economy and environment alike.
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- Programtid: 2018–2022
- Finansiering: The total budget is SEK 80 million, of which Mistra’s contribution is SEK 49m. The rest of the funding is from participating organisations.
- Programvärd: RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Utlysning av medel till ett forskningprogram
Call for research proposals
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More knowledge about sustainable consumption
The UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) include ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ among the 17, and this requires member nations to find practical solutions conducive to a shift. Mistra Sustainable Consumption is Mistra’s answer to this challenge, and the programme tackles vital components of our consumption: food, holidays and interior decoration.
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- Programtid: 2017-2025
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 95 million of a total programme budget of SEK 105 million, with the remainder coming from partner organisations.
- Programvärd: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Environmental Humanities Collaboratory
In a world where the effects of climate change are increasingly evident, nature can no longer be regarded as separate from culture. We are in a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, characterised by comprehensive human impact on Earth and its geological development.
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- Programtid: 2015–2022
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 31 million (the total programme budget is SEK 74m, with the Swedish Research Council Formas contributing SEK 32m and participating stakeholders SEK 16m).
- Programvärd: Linköping University
Sustainability Science for Biosphere Stewardship
What is the challenge? Humanity is a major force in structuring ecosystem dynamics from local scales to the biosphere as a whole. Many terrestrial and marine systems have as a […]
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- Programtid: 2007-2018
- Finansiering: SEK 192 m
- Programvärd: Stockholm University
Sustainable Plastics and Transition Pathways
The aim of STEPS – Sustainable Plastics and Transition Pathways – is to develop plastics that are biobased and which are produced sustainably in a circular economy.
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- Programtid: 2016–2024
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing 95 MSEK
- Programvärd: Lunds universitet
Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets
In our deregulated, increasingly globalised society, the importance of markets is steadily growing. However, not enough is known about the workings of individual markets. Misum’s aim, as an international, multidisciplinary knowledge hub, is to promote the contributions of markets to sustainable development. It seeks to provide knowledge of, and education in, sustainable markets and to act as a forum for researchers, decision-makers, companies and other interested parties.
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- Programtid: 2015–2025
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 133 m
- Programvärd: Stockholm School of Economics
Sustainable urbanisation where cities are accessible, green and fair
Urban development worldwide needs to shift towards greater sustainability. This means adjusting resource flows to reduce their climatic impact and safeguard them while making towns and cities socioculturally resilient, economically successful and democratically, effectively governed.
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- Programtid: 2010-2019
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing 79 MSEK (limit amounts for the period stated above)
- Programvärd: Chalmers University of Technology
Effective removal of pollutants with smarter material
There is a growing need for more effective removal of pollutants from emissions to air, water and soil. Mistra Terraclean aims to develop materials with an ability to communicate with users, so as to achieve more uniform and efficient removal of pollutants. This will involve both refining existing technologies and producing new, smarter materials.
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- Programtid: 2017-2025
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 108 milliion
- Programvärd: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility Services
Sweden has a vision of being the world’s first nation to no longer depend on fossil fuels. It is a tough challenge that requires various new solutions. The Mistra SAMS vision is of Sweden attaining, by 2030, an accessibility and mobility in the metropolitan regions that will help the country to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and simultaneously meet broad user groups’ needs.
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- Programtid: 2016–2024
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing 85 MSEK.
- Programvärd: KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology
Resource-Efficient and Effective Solutions Based on Circular Thinking
The task of Mistra REES (Resource-Efficient and Effective Solutions) is to develop principles, methods and guidelines that make resource-efficient products, services and business models possible. Another aim is to propose policy instruments and policy packages that favour the transition to a more circular economy.
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- Programtid: 2015–2023
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 89 million. Participating organisations contribute an additional 39 million.
- Programvärd: Linköping University
Expanding companies are a key factor in new job creation, and deliver our society’s economic growth.
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- Programtid: 2012 - 2019
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 89 million
- Programvärd: Mistra
Mistra Geopolitics will provide new knowledge, while also identifying the opportunities created by innovation and technological development in a number of areas. The programme brings together expertise in fields such as climate change, natural resources and ecosystems, and water and food supplies, as well as human rights, democracy, immigration, trade and defence.
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- Programtid: 2017-2024
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing 108 MSEK, with an additional 26 MSEK from other sources of funding.
- Programvärd: Stockholm Environment Institute
What is the challenge? The fashion industry is global and far-reaching. The consumption of clothing continues to increase at a fast pace. At the same time, clothes are not recycled […]
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- Programtid: 2011-2019
- Finansiering: Mistra will invest SEK 80 million
- Programvärd: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
How financial markets and operators can contribute to society’s sustainable development.
The Mistra Financial Systems research programme investigates how financial markets and operators can contribute to society’s sustainable development.
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- Programtid: 2016–2020
- Finansiering: SEK 57.5 million in total. Mistra is provided SEK 28m of this funding, with the remainder coming from participating organisations.
- Programvärd: Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)
Establish collaborations with international research organisations
The Mistra Fellows programme seeks to establish collaborations and boost knowledge exchange between Mistra’s various research groups on the one hand and international research organisations on the other.
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- Programtid: 2015–
- Finansiering: Mistra funds stays abroad for up to four researchers annually. The maximum award per person is SEK 1 million.
- Programvärd:
Nanotechnology to be used safely in a sustainable society
With the development of nanoscience and materials science, many commercial applications involving nanotechnology have emerged. Examples are surface coatings, electronic components, hygiene products, textiles, cosmetics, sports equipment, food additives, pharmaceuticals and dental care products. All over the world, nanoproducts are proliferating fast as more and more areas of use are found.
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- Programtid: 2014-2023
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 87 million with other stakeholders providing 25% in co-funding.
- Programvärd: Lund University
Från avfall till värdefulla resurser
Society’s growing consumption generates ever more waste. Mistra’s Closing the Loop research programme seeks to foster greater use of secondary raw materials and make this sector more competitive.
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- Programtid: 2012–2019
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 88 million
- Programvärd: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Mistra Carbon Exit analyse both the technical and the commercial conditions for achieving net zero emissions, as well as studying policy instruments and behavioural issues.
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- Programtid: 2017-2025
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 122 million of a total programme budget. The remainder coming from partner organisations.
- Programvärd: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Biotechnology for Sustainable and Competitive Agriculture and Food Systems
Globally, food production faces major challenges. Examples are the scarcity of natural resources, including cultivable land, and the changing climate. Moreover, economic growth is contributing to a constant rise in return requirements.
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- Programtid: 2012-2019
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 95 million
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Funding call for a research programme The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra) invites research groups, jointly with relevant stakeholders in the community, to submit proposals for a new […]
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What is the challenge? The geopolitical importance of the Arctic and other northern areas today is greater than ever. Interest in how natural resources are used is growing tremendously because […]
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- Programtid: 2014–2018
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 28 million and the partners (universities) included in the programme provided co-funding of SEK 7.5 million. Besides Umeå University, the other programme partners was KTH Royal Institute of Technology, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
- Programvärd: Arctic Research Centre at Umeå University (ARCUM).
WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE TO SWEDEN? Our society is constantly taking steps to improve the environment. Sometimes, however, not enough is known about the repercussions of the various measures concerned. […]
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- Programtid: 2012 – 2017
- Finansiering: Mistra is investing SEK 66 million
- Programvärd: Stockholm Environment Institute
The food supply faces major challenges. With present-day population growth and consumption patterns, food requirements are constantly rising. Simultaneously, food production already has a heavy environmental impact, for example by emitting greenhouse gases
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- Programtid: 2014–2017
- Finansiering: The programme received a total of SEK 62 million, of which Mistra is invested SEK 30m. The remainder is being provided by the Swedish Research Council Formas and the research foundation of the Swedish Farmers’ Supply and Crop Marketing Organisation.
- Programvärd: Helene Oscarsson, Vreta Kluster
Hållbara strategier för skogen och dess värden
Climate change, globalization, and increased consumption of materials and energy lead to higher pressure on the forest resources.
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- Programtid: 2009-2016
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 55 m
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU
Funding call for a research programme
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Funding call for research programme
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Funding call for research programme
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Funding call for research programme
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Funding call for research programme
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Reducing Environmental Impact through the application of inventions and discoveries
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Mistra is to invest SEK 40 million in a new research programme to explore the uses of nanotechnology. A call for proposals is now being issued, to find research environments that can both survey the environmental effects of nanomaterials and develop new applications to solve various environmental problems.
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Reducing Environmental Impact through the application of
inventions and discoveries.
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Financial systems will play a crucial part in the shift to a more circular economy. Mistra is therefore offering funding for a new research programme on the financial systems’ possibilities and limitations, and on the changes needed to enable these systems to contribute to sustainable development of society. With its system-critical and solution-oriented approach, the programme will require participation from actors in the financial sector.
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Programme ended 2015.
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- Programtid: 2008 - 2015
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 87 million
- Programvärd: SMHI
Programme ended 2015
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- Programtid: 2008–2015
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 94 million
- Programvärd: KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology
Instrument Design for Global Climate Mitigation
To understand what drives this development and how it can be supported and coordinated to bring about cost-effective climate inputs, research on critical parts of climate policy is required.
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- Programtid: 2012 – 2015
- Finansiering: Mistra 25 MSEK
- Programvärd: IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra) invites research groups, jointly with other partners, to submit proposals for a new research programme on mobility and accessibility. The purpose of Mistra’s initiative is to foster development of mobility and accessibility in a direction that drives sustainable development of society. The programme is intended to be interdisciplinary, to take a comprehensive view and to be based on the need for behavioural changes, with in-depth study of specific areas.
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Plastic materials are all around us today. Plastic is versatile, malleable, durable and cheap — properties that give it a vast range of uses. Unfortunately, after use, a great deal of it finds its way into the environment, on land and at sea, where its impact on ecosystems is increasingly evident. Besides plastic itself, there are also a range of chemical additives that may have toxic effects in the short and long term.
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Call for a national programme for environmental humanities research. Environmental humanities are a rapidly growing field. They can yield new standpoints and solutions to central environmental problems and ways of achieving sustainable development of society. The Swedish research community has major potential to play a prominent part in this development, but existing research and educational environments need to be coordinated and new collaborative structures created.
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- Programtid:
- Finansiering: Mistra and Formas
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What is the challenge? It has become evident that global warming is currently the most serious threat to the environment. Anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are the largest contributor to the […]
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- Programtid: 2006–2014
- Finansiering: Mistra 43 MSEK
- Programvärd: Volvo Technology AB
Mistra invites joint submission by research groups and industrial partners of proposals for a new research and innovation programme on product design for resource efficiency. The purpose of this initiative is to bring knowledge and innovative ideas to bear on helping to foster development of a circular economy, i.e. a society based on closed material loops. Central issues addressed in this research programme should be how to design new products that are more durable and can be maintained, repaired and upgraded; methods of reuse and remanufacture; and development of new business models and policy instruments.
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- Programtid:
- Finansiering: Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)
- Programvärd:
The fundamental aim of this call for funding applications is to help bring about plant cultivation and animal husbandry that are both more efficient and environmentally sustainable. Strategies, new technology and control instruments that can boost yield while reducing environmental impact are needed. The call includes aquaculture, as well as agriculture and horticulture.
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- Programtid:
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Call for research proposals
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- Programtid: 2018-
- Finansiering: A total of SEK 83 million over four years.
- Programvärd: -
Programme ended 2013
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- Programtid: 2004–2013
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 97 million and industry invested SEK 132 million
- Programvärd: Jernkontoret
Programme ended 2013
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- Programtid: 2006–2012
- Finansiering: Mistra 96 MSEK.
- Programvärd: Umeå School of Business
Programme ended in 2013.
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- Programtid: 2006-2013
- Finansiering: Mistra 69 Sek million.
- Programvärd: Stockholms universitet
Programme ended 2013.
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- Programtid: 2011-2013
- Finansiering: Mistra 38 MSEK
- Programvärd: The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
What is the challenge? Countries have become increasingly interdependent through the exchange of goods and services and flows of capital, technology, information, and to some extent, labour. How economic globalisation […]
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- Programtid: 2007-2013
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 53 m
- Programvärd: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Mistra invites small and medium sized Swedish companies together with academic research organisations to submit proposals for research projects concerning the implementation of discoveries and inventions contributing to the solution of environmental problems and improvements in sustainability.
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Call for research proposals
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- Programtid:
- Finansiering: Mistra
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Mistra invites Swedish research groups to submit programme proposals on the theme of sustainable development in the Arctic Regions. The purpose of the programme is twofold: to expand knowledge of the region’s distinctive prospects of long-term sustainable development, and to contribute to adequate and effective application of research results in policy processes relating to development in the Arctic.
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BASIS FOR LARGE-SCALE USE OF CULTURED MICROORGANISMS Microorganisms have proved to have the potential to replace and degrade the chemical pesticides that are used against pests today. They can also […]
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- Programtid: 2003–2011
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 61,3 million.
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
KEY CONTRIBUTIONS TO GLOBAL CLIMATE POLICY For international efforts to combat climate change to succeed, the world’s countries must be able to agree on how to regulate global emissions of […]
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- Programtid: 2004 - 2011
- Finansiering: Mistra invests 106 MSEK
- Programvärd: IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
- Cultural and environmental dynamics
The program was completed in 2010.
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- Programtid: 2008-2010
- Finansiering: Mistra investing 5 million
- Programvärd: Uppsala University
Programme ended 2010.
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- Programtid: 2004–2010
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 43 million.
- Programvärd: BLG-programmet AB, the main contractor for the research programme on black liquor gasification (BLG)
Programme ended 2010
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- Programtid: 2003-2010
- Finansiering: SEK 34,7 million.
- Programvärd: Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University
Programme ended 2010.
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- Programtid: 1997–2010
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 121 million.
- Programvärd: The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm
Programme ended 2010
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- Programtid: 2004-2010
- Finansiering: SEK 58 million.
- Programvärd: MASE Laboratorier AB
Programme ended 2010
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- Programtid: 2003-2010
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 83 m
- Programvärd: Gothenburg University
WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? The modern industrial society has become increasingly dependent on fossil feedstocks as the raw material not only for fuel but also for a vast range of […]
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- Programtid: 2003-2010
- Finansiering: Mistra 71,4 MSEK.
- Programvärd: Lund University
BONUS, the Baltic Sea research programme, has issued its first call for proposals concerning the environment and social development around the Baltic region. Funding of €38 million has been announced and the call is twofold: one part is entitled ‘Viable ecosystem’ and the other relates to innovation.
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- Programtid:
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The programme was concluded in 2009.
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- Programtid: 1999–2009
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 76.1 million.
- Programvärd: KTH Royal Swedish College of Technology
What is the challenge? Forest management of today not only aims at profitable wood production, but also the production of many other goods and services. Besides timber, we want to […]
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- Programtid: 2002-2009
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 21 m
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Programme ended 2008.
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- Programtid: 2006–2008
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 31 million.
- Programvärd: Trivector AB
SUSTAINABILITY FROM FARMER TO CONSUMER IS PROFITABLE The FOOD 21 research programme focused on the whole food chain, to show options and ways forward for Swedish agriculture. The aim was […]
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- Programtid: 1997–2008
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 123 million and the business sector contributed SEK 11m.
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
The programme ended in 2008.
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- Programtid: 2001–2008
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 45 million
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Programme ended 2007.
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- Programtid: 1999-2007
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 60 million
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Programme ended 2007.
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- Programtid: 2000-2007
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 40 million.
- Programvärd: Chalmers University of Technology
Decisive impact on international efforts to reduce air pollution The purpose of research in ASTA was to supporting work to bring about a decline in pollution in Sweden and abroad. […]
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- Programtid: 1999-2007
- Finansiering: SEK 60 million.
- Programvärd: IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Programme ended 2006.
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- Programtid: 1998–2006
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 65 million.
- Programvärd: Chalmers University of Technology, CTH
Programme ended 2006.
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- Programtid: 1999–2006
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 64 million.
- Programvärd: Stockholm University
More knowledge of the mountain region and new meeting places for stakeholders Sweden’s mountain region has low biodiversity and is vulnerable to overexploitation. The land is used in numerous ways, […]
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- Programtid: 1998–2006
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 84 million
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Umeå)
Programme ended in 2005
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- Programtid: 1996–2005
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 68,5 million
- Programvärd: Gothenburg University (2002–2005) Linköping University (1996–2001)
COMERCIALLY VIABLE BIOCONTROL METHODS TO COMBAT INSECT PESTS Insects cause damage totalling several billion kronor a year to harvests in Sweden. Insecticides, the chemical agents available for controlling insect pests, […]
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- Programtid: 1996–2005
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 68 million
- Programvärd: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Programme ended 2004.
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- Programtid: 1996–2004
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 108 million
- Programvärd: 1996–2002: Lund University
2002–04: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Programme ended 2004.
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- Programtid: 1997-2004
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 80 million.
- Programvärd: Göteborg University
Programme ended 2004
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- Programtid: 1997–2004
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 78 million. In addition, support has been received from the business sector.
- Programvärd: Luleå University of Technology
The programme ended in 2004.
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- Programtid: 1996–2003
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 90 million and support from the business sector amounted to SEK 18 million.
- Programvärd: Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI)
Programme ended in 2004
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- Programtid: 1996-2004
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 75 million. The Swedish National Energy Administration SEK 75 million.
- Programvärd: Uppsala University
Programme ended 2003.
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- Programtid: 1996–2003
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 69 million, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) SEK 17.8 million. Other financiers SEK 1.7 million.
- Programvärd: SMHI
Programme ended 2003.
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- Programtid: 1996-2003
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 65 m.
- Programvärd: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, SLU
Boosting knowledge of soil remediation in a cold climate Until the mid-1990s, there was a shortage of scientific data on effective soil remediation in Sweden. The COLDREM programme was therefore […]
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- Programtid: 1997–2003
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 44 million
- Programvärd: Umeå University
Programme ended 2005
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- Programtid: 1996-2002
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 85 million.
- Programvärd: Metria Environmental Analysis, National Land Survey of Sweden
Learning more about sustainable building and management Apartment buildings and other built structures affect their surroundings throughout their long life. The Sustainable Building (ByggMISTRA) programme helped to make housebuilding and […]
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- Programtid: 1996–2002
- Finansiering: Mistra invested SEK 39 m
- Programvärd: Chalmers University of Technology
Paths to sustainable development
Programme ended 2001.
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- Programtid: 1996–2001
- Finansiering: Mistra SEK 22 million. Other financiers SEK 27 million.
- Programvärd: Lund University