Published 2018-04-10
This post is also available in SwedishSport and outdoor life: Mistra’s next programme initiative?
Sport and outdoor recreation are exciting areas that have some features in common: health and environmental effects and the potential to promote change. So at Mistra there are ideas about starting a research programme focusing on both positive and negative effects of sport and outdoor life, especially in environmental terms.
An international working group is currently engaged in drawing up a background report. The hope is to be able to issue a call for proposals this summer.
‘Our programmes must have a clear environmental profile. In terms of sport and outdoor life, research on both positive and negative environmental impacts might be interesting — those caused by various activities, directly or indirectly. It may also be interesting how the sectors could contribute to adaptation and sustainable development,’ says Åsa Moberg, Programmes Director at Mistra.
A first step in the work has been taken earlier and presented in a preliminary study written by Erik Arnberg.
According to this study, a research programme is important for the following reasons:
- heavy environmental impact — inadequate knowledge
- large scale — many operators and practitioners
- significant potential for new innovative approaches to reduce environmental loads
- key public interests and ample public financial support
- major bearing on economic growth and job opportunities in sparsely populated areas and elsewhere.
The next step will be a more comprehensive background report, currently being drawn up by an international working group.
‘This background report will be part of the basis for a possible call for proposals. The idea is that it will be ready before the summer, and if everything goes as planned, the call will be published on Mistra’s website during the summer.’
Pending further information, all interested parties can take advantage of the preliminary study.