Published 2020-12-10
This post is also available in SwedishSEK 66m to Mistra Carbon Exit for transition to net zero emissions
Mistra’s Board has decided to award second-phase research funding of up to SEK 66 million for the Mistra Carbon Exit research programme over the coming four-year period. Programme Director Lars Zetterberg is convinced that the results will contribute to Sweden’s transition to net zero emissions.
Mistra Carbon Exit, with IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute as the main contractor, was awarded research funding from Mistra, and its work began on 1 April 2017. Mistra Carbon Exit is generating new knowledge and developing strategies for how Swedish society and companies can be pioneers in offering products and services with low or zero greenhouse gas emissions. The vision is to help make Sweden an important international role model in climate work. Mistra Carbon Exit is analysing not only technical and business requirements for achieving net zero emissions, but also policy instruments and behavioural issues. Mistra contributed SEK 56 million in the first four-year phase.
Following an evaluation by an international expert group, Mistra’s Board decided to award research funding for a second phase of the programme. Mistra Carbon Exit will receive up to SEK 66 million over a four-year period. The group recommends linking the various parts together and ensuring that the programme works to achieve a clearer impact on society for its own content and results.

Thomas Nilsson, Programmes Director at Mistra.
‘At a time when the consequences of climate change are becoming clearer, Mistra Carbon Exit has an extremely important role to play by providing scientific knowledge of how the transition to a fossil-free society needs to take place. It’s gratifying that the programme has been approved in the review and can now continue in a second phase,’ says Thomas Nilsson, Programmes Director at Mistra.
Lars Zetterberg, Programme Director Mistra Carbon Exit.

Lars Zetterberg, Programme Director Mistra Carbon Exit.
‘We’re thrilled by Mistra’s continued confidence in us and support for Mistra Carbon Exit. We’re convinced our results will contribute to Sweden’s transition to net zero emissions. Our approach, based on value chains, has proved effective since it helps us understand obstacles and identify new opportunities. Our close collaboration with companies and government agencies is a powerful contribution to making research relevant and easier to apply. It’ll be a great pleasure to carry on working with this group. We feel tremendously honoured and are going to tackle the assignment with great enthusiasm.’
The Mistra Carbon Exit consortium includes Chalmers University of Technology, Linköping University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the three research institutes Resources for the Future in Washington DC, the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin and the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. Companies, government agencies and interest organisations are also taking part.
Read more about Mistra Carbon Exit here.