
Mistra’s Board is responsible for the focus of activities and makes decisions about Mistra’s research programmes.

Mistra’s board

The Board comprises ten members. Two, at least one of whom must have relevant financial expertise, are appointed by the Government.

Of the other members, two are appointed on the recommendations of the heads of the following Swedish agencies: the Swedish Research Council; the Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte); the Research Council for the Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas); and Sweden’s Innovation Agency (Vinnova). Two members are appointed on the recommendations of higher education institutions.

Three members are appointed on the recommendations of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA). Lastly, the tenth member is appointed by Mistra’s Board.

The Board comprises:

Anna Jakobson, chair
Alfred Berg

Anders Tunlid, vice chair
Lund University

Emelie Persson Lindqvist

Thomas Aronsson
Umeå University

Emma Nehrenheim

Maria Khorsand
Former SOS Alarm and RISE

Torbjörn Lundahl
Former Ericsson

Tina Schmid Neset
Linköping University

Peter Westman

Göran Sundqvist
University of Gothenburg


Back row, from the left: Thomas Aronsson, Tina Schmid Neset, Torbjörn Lundahl, Emelie Persson Lindqvist, Emma Nehrenheim, Göran Sundqvist. Front row, from the left: Maria Khorsand, Anna Jacobson, Anders Tunlid. Not present: Peter Westman.